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I’m Considering Laser Therapy, What Should I know?

Where did laser technology come from?

The idea behind Laser/Light Therapy goes back thousands of years. The concept was born amongst the ancient Egyptians and Greeks to use with their healing and medicine methods. Although they didn't have the technology, they had the same idea that scientists later developed into Laser/Light Therapy. The evolution of that development began in 1900 when a theoretical physicist, Max Planck, discovered that energy could be absorbed and emitted. This theory later grew when famous scientist, Albert Einstein, created the concept of stimulated emission. Following in their footsteps was Theodore Maiman, who was the first to create a laser that was used for clinical applications and purposes in the 1960's. In 1964, the Nd:YAG (Neodymium: Yttrium Aluminum Garnet) laser and CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) laser was developed at Bell Laboratories. These developments opened the door to cosmetic laser procedures that are now available today!

Does laser therapy hurt?

The word 'Laser' alone sounds intimidating, let alone thinking of it encountering your skin. In the early phases of Laser/Light Treatments, the process was painful to say the least. Not unbearable, but not a 10/10 on the comfort spectrum. If you got laser hair removal or tattoo removal done between the 1980's-early 2000's, chances are you aren't rushing into the idea of going through that again. Patients often compared the sensation to rubber bands snapping on the surface of their skin cohesively. One time getting snapped by a rubber band is enough to make anyone say "OW!"

In today's Laser/Light Treatments, the pain is no longer as discomforting. Some patients feel nothing at all, while others may feel a slight discomfort like a light zap or heated-tingling sensation. Aside from the natural feelings of the Laser, we can now offer numbing or cooling to go with the treatment to remove any discomfort for patients who experience lower pain tolerance or who have sensitive skin. Now, if any discomfort does occur, it does not linger and stops immediately after the laser is turned off the targeted area.

Is there any downtime?

In a quick answer, no. Laser works below the skin, nothing abrasive or invasive is done during the treatment. The most that will occur is redness of the treated area within the first 24-48 hours. However, you will want to avoid sun exposure and sweating during the first 24 hours post treatment. If you experience any other side effects, contact your technician’s office immediately.

How do I find a laser technician?

When Laser technology was immerging, not many people offered it. Now, with today’s research and developments, training and new technology is much more accessible. You should be able to find at least one to two providers within a 20-mile radius of where you live that offer Laser Treatments. Although technology has evolved, there are still proper standards and practices to be aware of when selecting a technician. Also, find a place that holds a valid license for your state to assure you are in the best hands.

Number one, book a consultation first! Get the feeling of the business before booking a treatment. Do your research, ask questions about what laser your provider uses, what to expect, etc. Check their socials, we are in a day and age of everything being on the internet. Look at their Instagram, Facebook, and website to see if you connect with the business and their message. Read reviews, hear feedback from clients directly. Not only will you feel more comfortable, but you will also determine if this service provider is right for you before diving into your treatment and wallet.

Second, follow your pre-care and after-care guide to precision (unless told otherwise for underlying health conditions or circumstances). Just like how you would use the shampoo and conditioner suggested by your stylist at the salon, you want to follow the correct pre and post care provided by your technician. These guidelines are normal and are set up to ensure you get the most out of your treatment and your money.

Lastly, ask about other options! See if there is something else your technician would recommend before or instead of your laser treatment. For example, if you are doing laser for skin tightening on your face, your provider may suggest Microneedling with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) first to see if this works for you. Everyone is different, and our goal as professionals is to recommend the best treatment that best suits your skin and lifestyle.

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